We go to great lengths to make sure that all our fruit is picked at peak maturity and we get them packed and shipped to you as quickly as possible. This maximizes the storage potential of your fruit. Here are some tips to keep your precious apples in the best condition possible.
While our apples look beautiful when displayed nicely in a fruit bowl, they won’t stay crispy and fresh for nearly as long on your countertop. Apples stored at room temperature deteriorate ten times faster than refrigerated apples.
To best preserve crispness, juiciness and flavour, try to store your apples in a perforated plastic bag in the produce, or humidified drawer of your fridge. If you have the willpower to store them for a prolonged time, you can place a clean, damp cloth in the drawer with them to help minimize any drying and shriveling. Try to avoid keeping apples near other foods with strong odors, as this can affect the flavour of your apples.
Boxed apples can be stored in a cool, dark place where they won’t freeze, such as in a basement, garage or cellar. A heavy, damp (but not wet) cloth or towel can be placed over the box to help prevent shriveling, but be careful not to completely cover the box. Ventilation and good air circulation is important. Apples release ethylene gas (a plant hormone) as they ripen and high concentrations of this gas will accelerate the ripening and ultimate breakdown of the fruit.
DO NOT wash your apples before storing them. Washing will remove the fruit’s natural wax coating and cause the skin to dry out. Also, water will be absorbed through the skin and accelerate the breakdown of the flesh.
The old maxim that “one bad apple spoils the bunch” is quite true. Badly bruised or otherwise damaged apples release much greater levels of ethylene gas that accelerates the ripening of nearby fruit. Broken skin on an apple can also become a point of fungal infection and the mold spores will quickly transmit to adjacent fruit, although this is less of a concern with refrigerated apples. Consume or remove damaged or overripe pieces of fruit first.
With proper care your apples can be stored for several weeks with no loss of quality. We go to great lengths to make sure that all our fruit is picked at peak maturity, which maximizes the length of time that they can be effectively stored.
Oh, and one last tip: Eat the largest apples first. Smaller apples store better.
Always handle apples very gently to prevent bruising. Bruises result from ruptured cells within the apple. When the cells rupture they release various enzymes and hormones, which can accelerate deterioration of the fruit.
Always wash produce before eating by rinsing it with cool, running water.
Prepare apple dishes shortly before serving to minimize oxidization (browning). Varieties that brown quickly may be dipped in a solution of three parts water and one part lemon juice to help slow this natural reaction. Some varieties such as Ambrosia are very slow to oxidize and do not need to be treated.